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1905 - Harry and Ella McIlmoyl Wedding
1905 - Harry and Ella McIlmoyl Wedding
1928 Annie McArthur
1928 Annie McArthur
1928 Samuel George Colwell
1928 Samuel George Colwell
Abraham Allan Atkinson and Annie Philco
Abraham Allan Atkinson and Annie Philco
Abraham, Mary, and son Archie Atkinson
Abraham, Mary, and son Archie Atkinson
Ada Cardy - 1889
Ada Cardy - 1889
Photo likely taken around the time of her marriage.
This image was received from Melanie Grant Jan 2009.
Ada Elizabeth Scott and Sarah Ellen Scott
Ada Elizabeth Scott and Sarah Ellen Scott
A cropped section from a Post Card style picture. notes of the back:
To Aunty Lissie (Elizabeth Anne Scott, William's sister)
From Ada Nellie With Love
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Annie MacKinnon
Annie MacKinnon
From Toils, Tears & Triumph, pg 292
Arthur Jory - 1876
Arthur Jory - 1876
This image is of Arthur at age 22, likely 10 Sep 1898 at his wedding to Helena Willougby.
The image is held by Mike Osman (Cornwall UK). Roy Morton (Cornwall UK) photographed the image onto a transparency and later (Dec 2008) digitized the image.
Arthur Jory and father James Jory
Arthur Jory and father James Jory
Arthur is standing next to a model he built of a mine shaft timber work and the pumping and winding arrangement. The pump rod is clearly visible, the top of which would have been attached to the nose of the beam engine. This model demonstrates the timber shafting, the pump rod, the pump at the base. For general information on early mine pumps, engines, and operations, see the Wikipedia article.
Arthur Jory and his Model
Arthur Jory and his Model
Arthur is standing next to a model he built of a mine shaft timber work, the pumping and winding arrangement, and a horse whim (capstan),attached and offset from the top. The pump rod is clearly visible, the top of which would have been attached to the nose of the beam engine. This model demonstrates the timber shafting, the pump rod, the pump at the base. For general information on early mine pumps, engines, and operations, see the Wikipedia article.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Blanche Cardy - 1940s
Blanche Cardy - 1940s
Sketch by Lewis Parker (grandson).
Blanche Cardy - 1940s
Blanche Cardy - 1940s
Sketch by Lewis Parker (grandson)
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1844
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1844
Self-Description of 1848:
"Those sad long years of anxiety have stamped themselves on my face - and now that they are at an end, yet I cannot change what has become a physical effect."
(The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, ed. Charles Stephen Dessain et al., vol. 12; London: 1961-1972, 223)
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1863
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1863
Self-Description of 1863:
"I am an old man; my hair white, my eyes sunk in . . . but when I shut my eyes and merely think, I can't believe I am more than 25 years old, and smile to think how differently strangers must think of me from my own internal feelings."
(The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, ed. Charles Stephen Dessain et al., vol. 20; London: 1961-1972, 409)
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1864
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1864
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1867
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1867
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1873
Engaving by Brown
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1873 Engaving by Brown
A man who visited Newman in 1875 describes him:
". . . very kindly, with a sort of grave sweet simplicity which coming from so old a man, has in it something inexpressibly touching . . . He looks very aged, hair more white than silvery, body stooped, a very large and prominent nose and large chin, brow which seems good, though one can't see it for the tangled hair falling over it; an air of melancholy, as of one who has passed through terrible struggles, yet of serenity, as of one who had found peace. Not a priest in his manner - still an Englishman more than a Roman Catholic."
(The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, ed. Charles Stephen Dessain et al., vol. 29; Oxford: 1973-1977, 238, n. 1)
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1874
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1874
Sketch by Lady Coleridge, 1874; courtesy of Franciscan nuns of Maryland, Milford-on-Sea

A woman who visited Newman in 1876 describes him:
"[It is] impossible to describe his fascination of voice and manner . . . his voice was low and very sweet; it had a wonderful ring of sympathy in it."
(The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, ed. Charles Stephen Dessain et al., vol. 28; Oxford: 1973-1977, 32, n. 2)

Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1879
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1879
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1881
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1881
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1882
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1882
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1884
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1884
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1888
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1888
The poet Francis Turner Palgrave described Newman in 1886:
"[his voice had] much of its old strange sweetness . . . the look of almost anxious searching had passed into the look of perfect peace. His mind was not only bright as ever, but with the cheerfulness and humour of youth. [He welcomed me with] great and perfect humility."
(The Leters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, ed. Charles Stephen Dessain et al., vol. 31; Oxford: 1973-1977, 184, n. 5)
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1890
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1890
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1890
Cardinal John Henry Newman - 1890
Celebrating Golden Wedding Today<br>
George Sidney Podger & Elizabeth Swan Ridpath
Celebrating Golden Wedding Today
George Sidney Podger & Elizabeth Swan Ridpath

Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Podger are at home today at 559 West Eighteenth Avenue, where they are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. Both were born in Lakefield, Ontario, where the ceremony was performed fifty years ago. They have lived in Vancouver for over twenty years.
Celebrating with them are their five children and eight grandchildren, many of whom have come to the city especially for the occasion. The family members include Mrs. R. A. Crawford of Lethbridge, Alta.; Mrs. E. J. Hoggs of Okotoks, Alta.; Mrs. Ivan Trousdale, Mrs. Russell Abercrombie and Victor Podger of Vancouver. Also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Podger for the occasion are her sister and brother, Mrs. C. N. Winrow of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ridparth of Lethbridge.
Charlotte & Betsy Bertrand, Catherine Bronson
Charlotte & Betsy Bertrand, Catherine Bronson
Back of Picture written by Orland Bertrand as follows:
Taken 1927
Aunt Charlotte Miller
Aunt Betsy Thompson and Mother
Two of Dad's sisters
Charlotte Elizabeth Pountney - 1914
Charlotte Elizabeth Pountney - 1914
Picture taken at the double wedding of their son Godfrey and daughter Doris
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Clarissa McFarlane
Clarissa McFarlane
Collage of Paintings for The Day of the Hurons - Lewis Parker, 1971
Collage of Paintings for The Day of the Hurons - Lewis Parker, 1971
For further information, see the history article Titled "The Day of The Hurons" attached to Lewis Parker.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Cora Scott Rogers
Cora Scott Rogers
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Donald McFadyen and Sarah McFadyen's Family
Donald McFadyen and Sarah McFadyen's Family
Taken Circa 1900. Writting on the back of the picture as follows:
McFadyen Uncles, Aunts
Kate, Jack J.D., Mary, Dougald, Sarah
Grandfator Donald - Sailor, Max, Florence (Lola), Mother (Tena), Grandmother Sarah
Donald Thomas Campbell and Elenor Hogge - wedding picture
Donald Thomas Campbell and Elenor Hogge - wedding picture
Donald Thomas Campbell and Elenor Hogge married September 15, 1937 Okotoks, Alberta also pictured Gordon Campbell(brother of Donald)and Marg Davies (friend of Elenor)
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Doris Pountney Willoughby - 1914
Doris Pountney Willoughby - 1914
Picture taken at her wedding
Dorothy Cruttenden - 1950
Dorothy Cruttenden - 1950
Sketch by Lewis Parker (son)
Dorothy Gwendoline Daintree - Jun 2002
Dorothy Gwendoline Daintree - Jun 2002
Taken at her 50th wedding anniversary party
Dr. Sylvester Atkinson Preston
Dr. Sylvester Atkinson Preston
Image obtained from owner's website as of Nov 2008.
see Donna L Alden-Bugden Genealogy website for more details.
Dyrl Campbell and mother Elenor Hogge
Dyrl Campbell and mother Elenor Hogge
Edgar Skirrow Preston
Edgar Skirrow Preston
Image obtained from owner's website as of Nov 2008.
see Donna L Alden-Bugden Genealogy website for more details.
Eldon, Hazel, George McFadyen
Eldon, Hazel, George McFadyen
An early family photo colourized (original) in the fashion of the day.
Eleanor Louise Derry - 1948
Eleanor Louise Derry - 1948
Sketch by Lewis Parker (husband)

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